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Highways update

Low street - A few weeks ago I met with Glen Donaldson (the Project Engineer from North Yorkshire County Council who looks after the Selby area) to talk about a number of highways-related issues affecting our parish.

A number of residents have raised concerns about the problem of cars parked on Low Street causing difficulties for through traffic at peak times. I've seen impatient drivers mount the pavement to get through - a very dangerous and illegal practice. As it happened, on the day of Glen's visit the parking was very light and there were no obvious problems with through traffic. Glen pointed out that physical barriers such as bollards to stop cars mounting the pavement would not be possible given the need to allow space for wheelchair users. If you’d like to know more about the government guidance on space allowances you can find it here. A significant stretch of yellow lines is also not a realistic option due to the parking needs of residents and visitors.

With no obvious solution, we would ask road users to drive and park sensibly and carefully along that stretch of Low Street, and on all roads throughout our parish, to help keep drivers and pedestrians safe. Also Glen is very knowledgeable and helpful and has offered to attend a future Parish Council meeting if residents would find this helpful?

Speeding - Many residents have raised concerns about speeding traffic in the parish. We are looking at the possibility of buying illuminated signs to warn drivers who exceed speed limits. The signs are not cheap so we need to consider this carefully, including the logistics involved, noting that one option would be signs that can be moved to different locations from time-to-time.

Maintenance - We will try and work closely with NYCC on maintenance issues. While it was great to get parts of Low Street resurfaced recently we know that there are other repairs that need to be made, including:

  • The footpath between High Street and the train station car park entrance

  • High Street near the doctors surgery

  • Parts of Common Lane

  • Westfield Lane from the junction at School Lane down to Beech Drive

I’ll ask NYCC about these areas but it would be really helpful to know if there are others that need attention.

Yellow Lines - We understand from NYCC that the yellow lines at the end of Sand Lane opposite the BP garage have been approved, and should come into operation on 17 December. There will also be a very short stretch of yellow lines implemented opposite number 19 Low Street.

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