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Fly tipping and Litter

Let’s get South Milford Litter Free

Is this how we want South Milford to look?

It costs us £500,000 per year from your Council Tax to clear litter in Selby DC

Let’s do our bit and get South Milford litter free - Can you help?

A group of volunteers already litter pick around the village every month but the litter still accumulates.

Does anyone in your household:

Drop litter

Forget to use the waste bins around the village

Throw bottles, sandwich boxes, beer cans and other litter from car windows

Allow their dog to mess the pavements?

Let’s just “DO IT”

Take your litter home with you

Encourage everyone to use the bins around the village

Pick up any litter you see and put it in one of the bins Clear up your dog’s mess (don’t throw it in the bushes)

Ask everyone in your household to get/keep South Milford litter free

Report the following to Selby DC Accumulations of litter/rubbish Fly tipping Dog mess Phone: 01757 705101 Email:

If you see a mess REPORT it, don’t think someone else will do it

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